Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6

The lessons on literacy devices is confusing at first~ All the new words and meanings to memorise~ Feels like we went back to kindergarten and have to learn all the unfamiliar words at one go~ Squeesing all those in our tiny brain! Okay, that's was a bit exaggerated. Also, that's how i understand 'hyperbole'! 'Hyperbole' means exaggeration used to evoked strong feelings or creating a impression which is not meant to be taken literally. Similar isn't it? :)

Through lesson with literacy devices, i have learnt a lot of new and interesting words~ Some were recap for sec 1. Like alliteration, simile, tone, rhyme, rhythm. But I'm more familiar with the word rhythm during band~ *giggles* Some words we learn are really new words, like onomatoepia, complex sentence, simple sentence, kinestethic, gustatory, tactile, symbol and so on, there's just too much! :)

One literacy devices that is most memorable to me is oxymoron!
Oxymoron is a single image or idea made up of contradictory. Examples of oxymoron is sweet sorrow, only choice, student teacher, pretty ugly. Words of opposite definition could come together and make up a word which actually make sense! Amazing! It is also often used by we are unaware of it~ It's very cool! :)

Overall, i enjoyed the lessons on literacy devices as it widens our knowledge and will really help us in our literature exams if we memoriesd them at our fingertips! That's all to what i want to say! Bye! :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Learning Log 5

After reading the notes, oh boy am i confused at first! But i managed to grasp the pointers for unseen poem and unseen essay~ :)

The point for unseen poem is to read the poem at least twice through and understand the poem. If we do, it would be easier for us to answer questions on it. We must first pick out the difficult words or phrases, and come up with the meaning of it. The reading and understand of the poem would be smoother if we knew the meaning to the different words. Underlining keywords and also could try to summarise each paragraph and write it by the side, or make short notes on it, it would come in handy! We must not answer the question in general terms and without explanation, that would cost us to lost alot of marks~ One way to organise answer when answering to the poem is using the
PEEL method which consist of Point, Elaboration, Evidence and Link~ :)

For unseen essay, we have to analyies the passage. When reading it for the first time, we have to have an idea of what the passage is about. Read it of the second time, take note of mood and setting etc, for a better understanding of the passage. Next, read the question stated and underline from the passage where the answers and evidence can be found. For good essay, remember that
there must always have the introduction, the body which consist of the point, evidence, elaboration and personal response and lastly, the conclusion when answering the questions on the essay. Same as the unseen poem, there should be no general answers and answers must be supported by evidence and elaboration~ :)

Also, i learnt that there are two types of irony. One is the situational irony and the other one is verbal irony, which is sarcasm. Sarcasm is to 'create humor', 'add the sense of tragedy', and lasty 'to critize'~ :)

This is something that i have learn through reading the set of notes~ Hopefully i can do well for this opponent! Wish me luck~ :)
Racheal~ :)